Health and Safety Executive Campaign

HSE - ‘Make the promise, to come home safe’

The Sourcing Team worked with Watson Philips Norman on a government project for Health & Safety Executive. The campaign targeted farmers, who were asked to “make the promise” which could save their life or that of someone precious to them. Many lives are lost on British Farms and this campaign aimed to raise awareness around this issue. We were tasked to produce “Promise Knots” that farmers could display around their farms/land.

At the heart of the farmers' "Make The Promise. Come Home Safe" campaign was a promise knot and this knot was included in the launching direct mail to farmers. We wanted the rope to be a specific green (which needed to be specially produced) and tied with authentic farm ‘baler’ twine. It also needed to be produced very quickly.

“The Sourcing Team managed to source, dye and hand tie 70,000 Promise knots in 5 weeks to hit the campaign start date using 21km of rope."

Business Director, Watson Philips Norman