We are delighted with our 2016 rating on the CIPS Sustainability Index!

TST CIPS rating 2016Making constant improvements year-on-year to improve your performance as a responsible business takes a lot of time and effort.  Here at The Sourcing Team, this role is headed up by our FD & Head of Sustainability – Sharon, supported by the Green Team, Sadie and Abi!

Part of our UN Global Compact – UNGC Goals 2016 – www.globalcompact.org.uk included us improving our Chartered Institute of Procurement & Supply – CIPS Sustainability Index Score – www.cips.org.  A pretty tough challenge as we already scored very highly.  However, as a team, we have done it again!

Our values and passion for being ethical, sustainable and compliant are a critical part of our culture. Our latest improved score demonstrates, yet again, what a fantastic and committed team we have making a contribution for a better future