#Buy16in16 – Shop with purpose and buy from women in 2016 – featuring Gabrielle Cleeve from Gabi’s Childminding Services

A “woman to woman” chat with our “Wall of Fame” women owned businesses

Name: Gabrielle Cleeve

Company: Gabi’s Childminding Services Sutton

Becky Fleury, Client Services Director at The Sourcing Team chats to Gabrielle Cleeve from Gabi’s Childminding Services Sutton as part of our #Buy16in16 Campaign.

Q: What made you decide to set up your own business?

A: I’ve always worked with children.  I become a single parent, so I decided to register a full-time Ofsted Registered Childminder.  I am working from home, plus here for my own children too.

Q: What do you like about running your own business?

A: I am working with children which is something I am passionate about, I’m helping the children progress and achieve.  Each day is different as we are always busy going out to different places or enjoying activities at my setting.

Q:How do you keep yourself motivated in tough times?

A: I try to stay positive and believe when one door closes another opens.

Q:Top tip for continued success in business?

A: Honesty, being passionate about what you believe in. Networking too.

Q: Can you buy from 16 women owned businesses in 2016 and share the challenge?

A: I already buy from some women owned businesses but can look at more…

Recommendation: “I am absolutely delighted with service I get from Gabrielle and I have not problem recommending her services to anyone. …” Becky Fleury