Having recently come ‘out of contract’ on our gas and electricity tariffs and as part of our commitment to sustainable purchasing we decided this time round to look for greener options. Although the scope for greener gas tariffs is somewhat limited there is potential for SMEs and larger companies to improve their green credentials when purchasing electricity. A useful tool can be found at http://www.greenenergyscheme.org/ , which is an independently verified site where you can compare tariffs. This is a certification scheme in association with Ofgem. It ensures you are buying energy from a renewable source and that the supplier is doing more than their regulatory obligations. We chose Easygreen from E.On which is certified as offsetting 100% of the carbon emissions produced by your electricity consumption. We are, of course also using this as an opportunity to reiterate to staff the importance of using less electricity by printing less, switching off computers, lights, printers etc and generally thinking more carefully about the electricity we are using. To quote a well-known grocery chain….”every little helps!”