Setting Goals for 2017: Doing our bit towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Year-on-year, we commit to best practice, improved accreditation, constant learning and giving back. As a responsible business, we have a duty to ensure our promotional product supply chain is sustainable, ethical and compliant.

This year, we have reaffirmed our support of the ten principles of the United Nations Global Compact in the areas of Human Rights, Labour, Environment and Anti-Corruption and we are focusing on taking our transparency and sustainability to a new level.


We see this as the only responsible way forward. Over the last few years, we have embraced transparency through the supply chain.  In 2016, The Modern Slavery Act required businesses with over £36 million in turnover to report on what they are doing in their supply chains to prevent modern slavery.

Our focus this year for our United Nations Global Compact (UNGC)  commitment is in three key goals:


Ethical Sourcing CompanySDG 4Ethical Sourcing Promotional Products




 We all need to get on board in supporting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for 2020.  If you haven’t already done so,  then do check out the goals and help #makechangehappen.