The Sourcing Team – mini meadow – supporting sustainability


Earlier this year The Sourcing Team heard Inder Poonaji talk at a 2degrees event, sharing how Nestlé are supporting biodiversity creating 78 acres of meadow land to attract more butterflies which in turn supports pollination.

Inder was so passionate about this project and explained how easy it would be to create even a small area rich in biodiversity and we were hooked!  After some further reading about these meadows on the internet, we were inspired to create our own.

Following a quick trip down to the local garden centre and a hefty dig around the garden, we planted our meadow seeds.  A couple of months later – after a lot of rain and a few hot rays of sun, our meadow started to come alive.

Now our garden is covered in beautiful flowers of pinks, purples and blues!  And we have had a few colourful visitors of our own.  Not only is our meadow good for the environment of the butterflies, bees and other insects, it is also good for our environment!

A lovely place to sit in during the warm weather and a lovely place to look at when it’s a bit dreary outside!

We can safely say it’s been an all-round success and we will be blogging and tweeting about our meadow to encourage our clients and suppliers to join in and add their own little meadow to their workplace!