January – A Time to Discover the New and Exciting to help our Clients Stand Out!

It really feels like a new year as we set off to visit the trade fairs taking place in those early days of January. A myriad route with new exciting products and potential new supply partners. We are on a mission, looking for the latest amazing products and trends for the year ahead. It is then back to the office, where the team carries out full due diligence on any new suppliers and products to make sure they fit with our ethical and compliance approval process before we can share with our customers.

#Buy16in16 – Shop with purpose and buy from women in 2016 – featuring Helen Jamieson from Jaluch

A “woman to woman” chat with our “Wall of Fame” women owned businesses     Name: Helen Jamieson Company: Jaluch   Gill Thorpe, Founder & CEO at The Sourcing Team chats to Helen Jamieson from Jaluch as part of our #Buy16in16 Campaign. Q: What made you decide to set up your …

Buy Right, Get It Right

This summer, we have gone one step further in our support for sustainability and ethical business practices throughout our global supply chain. We have just introduced our Buy Right, Get it Right campaign which brings together our values and sourcing principles in one succinct message.